There is only one table today and that is the STREAM table.STREAM Table |
cname | Component name. | String |
cuid | Component UID. | String |
cid | Component ID. | String |
ccreatedDate | Component creation date. | Long |
ctemplateUid | Component Template UID. | String |
folderPath | Component repository folder path. Example: /Components/West. | String |
name | Stream name. | String |
uid | Stream UID. Indexed. | String |
id | Stream ID. Indexed. | String |
description | Stream description. | String |
timeZoneId | The Time Zone Id. List of Time Zones | String |
unitUid | Unit UID. | String |
streamType | Stream type: intvl_stream, rdm_stream, point_stream. | String |
derivationType | Stream derivation type: NONE, FROM_EXPRESSION, FROM_RSS, FROM_AGGREGATION. | String |
baseCycleUid | Stream base cycle UID. | String |
rollupCalendarUid | Stream rollup calendar UID. | String |
timeFilterUid | Stream time filter UID. | String |
defaultRollupMethod | Stream default rollup method. | String |
sampleValueType | Stream sample value type. | String |
startDate | Stream's earliest sample datetime as epoch milliseconds. The first interval's start datetime for intervals streams. | Long |
endDate | Stream's latest sample datetime as epoch milliseconds.. The last interval's end datetime for intervals streams. | Long |
completedDate | Stream completed date as epoch milliseconds. This usually matches a stream's endDate unless it is a derived stream and it has dependents with cycles smaller than its base cycle. The completed date tracks the datetime the stream was derived up to. | Long |
lastUpdated | The datetime any stream sample was added, updated, or deleted. | Long |
lastValue | Stream's latest sample value | Varies |
lastValueType | Stream's latest sample's value type: Double, Long, String, Boolean, BigDecimal. | String |
sample | Stream sample value. | Varies |
time | Stream sample datetime as epoch milliseconds. Will be the interval end datetime for interval streams. | Long |
timeSd | Stream interval sample start datetime as epoch milliseconds. | Long |
timeEd | Stream interval sample end datetime as epoch milliseconds. | Long |
About the STREAM Table
GroveStreams stores production stream data in three columnar tables: Component, Stream, and Sample tablesQuerying for data in three tables can be difficult for SQL novices as it would involve a lot of joins. We have created one table to simplify queries called the STREAM table. It has all three table's information contained within it.
The STREAM table is created just for GS SQL queries and is automatically updated as information changes in the production tables. The sample and sample time columns are not actually stored in the STREAM table but are the actual production sample tables. The GS SQL engine will automatically modify query statements injecting an inner join with the sample table so that you don't have to.
This design has many benefits, but has a couple of quirks:
1. Error messages may refer to the sample table
2. The data in the stream table is not replicated for each sample, but only for each stream. For example, a query for all individual component names, such as "SELECT cname FROM Stream", will return the same component name for each of its streams. It will not return a component name for each sample belonging to the component's streams.
Tip: Add DISTINCT to eliminate duplicate component names: "SELECT DISTINCT cname FROM Stream"